The GIS team investigated a number of factors that affect how suitable different countries are for ISD involvement and assistance. Our search for data focused on each country’s level of need, the availability of external country-specific funding, and the ease of ISD entry and operations.
Need includes natural disaster risk, vulnerability, lack of coping capacity, and population.
Funding includes disbursements and potential donor interest.
Ease includes the presence of an IFRC country office, number of ISD staff in-country, number of previous ARC disaster deployments, and the lack of human conflict.
Disaster (natural) exposure - natural disaster risk and human conflict (current and projected levels)
Data source: INFORM database 2016 v0.2.27
Conflict - includes current and projected levels
Data source: INFORM database 2016 v0.2.27.
Institutional/ infrastructure weakness - lack of coping capacity in regards to institutional support and existing infrastructure
Data source: INFORM database 2016 v0.2.27
People affected by disasters - total number of people affected by disasters, 1999-2013
Data source: EM-DAT
Socio-economic/ demographic vulnerability - includes socioeconomics and vulnerable groups
Data source: INFORM database 2016 v0.2.27
Urban population - urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices, 2014 midyear estimate
Data source: World Bank population estimates and urban ratios from the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects
Total population - based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship, 2014 midyear estimate
Data source: World Bank (from various source organizations)
USAID funding - 2014 disbursements
Data source: USAID
High migration to USA - total immigration to the USA by country of origin
Data source: Global Bilateral Migration, Last Updated: 06/28/2011
Presence of top 25 companies - presence of top 25 companies on the Fortune 500
Data source: websites of companies
ODA - Official Development Assistance, 2012-2013 average
Data source: OECD and World Bank (2013 was the most recent year for which data were available)
Security (lack of human conflict) - includes current and projected levels
Data source: INFORM database 2016 v0.2.27.
Presence of IFRC office - existing IFRC office
Data source: ARC, IFRC (data updated as of December 2015)
ARC disaster deployments - ARC staff deployed, 2009-2015
Data source: ARC (data from 2009-2015, inclusive)
ARC disaster money - ARC monetary contributions, 2009-2015
Data source: ARC (data from 2009-2015, inclusive)
CTP response (all IFRC appeals) - CTP response implemented as part of an IFRC appeal
Data source: IFRC
CTP response (ARC) - CTP response implemented with ARC involvement
Data source: ARC, IFRC
ISD staff presence - current ARC staff based in the country
Data source: ARC (data updated as of December 2015)
ISD FY16 Programs - Programs being implemented in fiscal year 2016
Data source: ARC (data updated as of 18 Dec 2015)
Administrative boundaries
Data source: Natural Earth
Data source: Natural Earth 110m populated places (displaying highest population city for each of top 15 ranked countries)
The maps used do not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of a territory or of its authorities.